Dosray Ashray Ki Dua: Seeking Blessings in the Second Half of Ramadan

Ramadan, the holy month of fasting and spiritual reflection, is divided into three parts. The second part, known as the Dosray Ashray, holds special significance as it presents an opportunity for believers to intensify their worship and seek increased blessings from Allah (SWT). In this blog post, we will explore the importance of Dosray Ashray and the dua (supplication) associated with this period, empowering us to make the most of this sacred time.

Dosray Ashray Ki Dua

Understanding Dosray Ashray

Dosray Ashray refers to the second ten days of Ramadan. After the initial phase of seeking mercy and forgiveness in the first Ashra (ten days), Dosray Ashray encourages believers to focus on seeking Allah’s protection and blessings. It is a time for increased devotion, reflection, and strengthening our relationship with Allah (SWT).

The Significance of Dosray Ashray Ki Dua

Dosray Ashray Ki Dua is a supplication specifically associated with the second Ashra of Ramadan. This dua serves as a means to seek Allah’s blessings, protection, and guidance throughout this crucial period. It reflects our deep desire to strengthen our connection with Allah and receive His divine mercy and favor.

The Content and Recitation of Dosray Ashray Ki Dua: The exact wording of Dosray Ashray Ki Dua may vary, but it generally includes invoking Allah’s blessings, seeking protection from harmful temptations, and seeking guidance on the righteous path. It is recommended to recite this dua with sincerity, humility, and a deep sense of devotion, engaging in its recitation during the second Ashra of Ramadan.

The Purpose and Benefits of Dosray Ashray Ki Dua:

  1. Seeking Blessings: Dosray Ashray Ki Dua allows us to seek Allah’s abundant blessings, seeking spiritual growth, and success in our endeavors during the second phase of Ramadan.
  2. Protection from Evil: This supplication serves as a shield against negative influences, seeking Allah’s protection from harmful temptations, and strengthening our resilience against sins and distractions.
  3. Guiding Towards Righteousness: Dosray Ashray Ki Dua asks for Allah’s guidance in adhering to the righteous path, making choices that align with His teachings, and seeking His mercy and forgiveness.

Making the Most of Dosray Ashray: To fully benefit from the second Ashra of Ramadan, consider the following:

  1. Increased Worship: Engage in additional acts of worship, such as reciting the Quran, offering voluntary prayers, and performing acts of charity, to intensify your devotion and seek Allah’s blessings.
  2. Self-Reflection: Take time for self-reflection, introspection, and assessing your spiritual progress during Ramadan. Seek forgiveness for shortcomings and make sincere intentions for self-improvement.
  3. Recitation of Dosray Ashray Ki Dua: Regularly recite the dua associated with Dosray Ashray, acknowledging your dependence on Allah’s guidance, protection, and blessings during this phase.
  4. Continued Acts of Goodness: Continue to engage in acts of kindness, charity, and spreading positivity throughout Dosray Ashray, seeking to benefit others and earn Allah’s pleasure.


Dosray Ashray Ki Dua holds immense significance in the second Ashra of Ramadan, guiding us to seek Allah’s blessings, protection, and guidance. By reciting this dua with sincerity and devotion, engaging in increased worship and acts of goodness, we can make the most of this sacred time. Let us embrace the opportunity of Dosray Ashray to deepen our connection with Allah (SWT), seek His blessings, and strive for spiritual growth and protection in the remaining days of Ramadan.

To learn more please visit Masnoon Dua’s

visit Qurani Manzil

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