Takbeer e Tehreema (Takbeer tashreeq) dua on Eid

Takbeer e Tehreema, also known as the “Declaration of God’s Greatness,” is a phrase that is recited by Muslims during the month of Ramadan and on the day of Eid al-Fitr to express their devotion and submission to Allah. The phrase is “Allahu Akbar,” which translates to “God is the greatest.” It is often recited multiple times during the day, particularly during the call to prayer and during congregational prayers.

takbeer e tehreema

Takbeer e Tehreema method

The method of reciting Takbeer e Tehreema is to raise both hands up to the ears while saying “Allahu Akbar” (God is the Greatest) and then bringing them down.

This is done while standing and facing the direction of the Qibla. The phrase is recited three times, then the hands are lowered. It is also common to recite it more times after that, as a reminder of the significance of the month of Ramadan and the day of Eid al-Fitr. It’s recited in a loud voice during Eid al-Adha.

Why people read Takbeer tashreeq?

Takbeer e Tehreema is recited by Muslims as a way of expressing their devotion and submission to Allah. It is a reminder of the greatness and power of Allah, and a way to acknowledge that everything in the world belongs to Him.

Reciting it during the month of Ramadan and on the day of Eid al-Fitr helps to increase one’s focus on the spiritual aspects of these special times, and to remember the purpose of fasting and the significance of the Eid celebrations. Additionally, it serves as a reminder of unity among Muslims and the significance of the event that they are celebrating.

Takbeer e tehreema benefits

Reciting Takbeer e Tehreema, or the “Declaration of God’s Greatness,” can have several benefits for those who recite it. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Acknowledging the greatness and power of Allah: By reciting the phrase “Allahu Akbar,” one is reminded of the greatness and power of Allah, and of the fact that everything in the world belongs to Him.
  2. Increasing focus on the spiritual aspects of Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr: Reciting Takbeer e Tehreema during these special times can help to increase one’s focus on the spiritual aspects of fasting and the Eid celebrations.
  3. Expressing devotion and submission to Allah: Reciting Takbeer e Tehreema is a way of expressing one’s devotion and submission to Allah.
  4. Reminding unity among Muslims: Reciting Takbeer e Tehreema serves as a reminder of unity among Muslims and the significance of the event that they are celebrating.
  5. Gaining blessings: Reciting Takbeer e Tehreema is one of the acts that is highly recommended by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is believed to earn blessings from Allah.
  6. Increase in Taqwa : The recitation of Takbeer e Tehreema is believed to increase the sense of God-consciousness or Taqwa in the reciter.
  7. Building spiritual connection: The recitation of Takbeer e Tehreema allows the reciter to establish a deeper spiritual connection with Allah.

It is gread idea to read and memorise Safar ki dua

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